Thursday, September 25, 2014

Small Update 1

Hello everyone.

So things are going decently on our side, we are starting to get a little (tiny bit) more organised with our shit and things are progressing slowly. We recruited a great mapper who is very talented at making cozy as fuck inns (as shown below.)

We even have an animated sprite to display.

Lastly one more concept art:

Obligatory we need people to help part of the post, our needs are on the right side. Major need for a second coder and anyone familiar with RPG Maker VX Ace.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Main Character's Name

Looks like the winner of the poll was Feira by two votes, congrats to everyone who voted for that name.

To the losers, well sorry better luck next time. Maybe I can use the other names as side character's names, we'll see.

Other than that no new updates so far, other than we may have picked up a very talented mapper to join us, very exciting stuff.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Concept Art

As requested in the general, we've decided to post some concept art up every once in a while to at least show you guys something.

So here are some:

More will come when the artist wants to share more.

As always, every post here, we still need people to help us out with the project. I'll have something up to the right under the poll with our needs.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Name of the Main Character

One of my downfalls as a writer is my inability to think up names that fit the character. So, I'll be reaching out to you guys to help me out.

The poll should be up to the right, and you'll have a couple days to vote - or whenever I feel like one option is winning enough to close it early.

We are still in need of help for the project. Our needs haven't changed, coders and people familiar with the engine (VX Ace) are very much wanted. However, anyone who wants to help out are more than welcome to e-mail me and we can set something up.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Introduction and some shit

Hey there.

Here's a blog about the development of an RPG Maker VX game that is being made by a couple of people from /hgg2d/, approximately three. 

Keep in mind it's in incredibly early development stages, so don't expect anything huge for a while until we figure some shit out. Hell, we don't even know what the main character's name will be yet. I'll probably think of a couple names and put it on strawpoll and let you guys pick or some shit, I don't know.

Also, I don't know how often this blog is going to be updated. So currently we're not going to set a deadline like every Friday or whatever, blog updates will happen as we progress and have material to show you guys.

Lastly, if any of you nice people want to help out on the project shoot me an e-mail @

We definitely need people who are accustomed to the VX Ace engine and people to help out with scripts and mapping.

See you guys later